5 Free Keyword Research Tools

5 Free Keyword Research Tools

It should be obvious that any SEO effort must include keyword research. The likelihood of your website ranking on search engines without understanding the appropriate keywords to pursue is very low.

We’ll demonstrate about 5 free keyword research tools for you to do just that because of this.

Choosing the appropriate keywords for your webpages can take your online products or services to an even higher reachability. Google identifies these keywords to score websites based on how significant they are to searches. The higher the number of keywords you rank for, the higher your webpages will pop on the Search Engine Results Page (SERP).

Many of the tools on this list have features in common with the “Keyword ideas”. With a number of different keywords available, you need to study and conduct research. But this being a complicated task especially for the beginners you may think “How am I supposed to do this?

Keyword Surfer

Keyword surfer is one of the free keyword research tools and is a Google extension.

You can always get useful information about search traffic ie; the number of individuals searching for your chosen keyword is displayed by Keyword Surfer. The expected monthly search volumes, however, assist you in identifying whether the keyword you have intended to choose is helping you or not. Low volume means low traffic

This keyword tool also provides keyword suggestions and keyword phrases and so it provides opportunities to build keyword collections to make it simple to bookmark significant keywords without having to do so individually each time. Anytime you need to, just download collections as a.csv file.

You can understand the visibility metrix, and on-page information for each new Google search.

 Furthermore, it offers cost-per-click (CPC) information based on the Google AdWords service. To understand the price of buying advertising with chosen keywords, CPC is significant. For instance, it’s a good idea to know if CPC is good enough to have a solid investment return if you’re intending to outsource SEM (search engine marketing).

Streamline the entire research process for your content generation without ever exiting the Search results page. It consolidates the process of content strategy, creation, and optimization ie; It aims in providing finest cotent , relevant to your niche to improve the content quality, thereby  to assist content teams in growing brands, and their organic traffic. 

You can access a free version of Content Editor using Keyword Surfer. The recommendations are based on information from the content of your rivals and Surfer’s algorithm.

How frequently your competitors utilized your chosen keyword is revealed by Keyword Surfer. In addition to the anticipated monthly traffic of your competitors and the word length of the content, this will appear on the SERP.

Be aware that results from various locations can vary, so it’s advisable to pick the location where you want to establish your power. With Keyword Surfer, you may access data from 70 distinct countries.

Google's Keyword Planner

Google Keyword Planner is a 100% Free keyword research tool which we can start using just by opening a Google account. You can use this free keyword tool to find new business-related keywords, estimate how many searches they will get, and figure out how much it will cost to target them.

There are two main features in the Google Keyword Planner: one for more thorough research on search volume and forecasting and one for exploratory keyword research and discovery.

  • Discover new keywords : When you want to increase the keywords, phrases, or areas you are covering for your domain, Discover new keywords is a fantastic solution. Additionally, you may use a domain’s URL to assist sort out ideas that aren’t relevant to your company.This will provide you suggestions for related keywords, information about monthly search traffic, how much demand has changed over time, the degree of competition, and information about cost per click (CPC).
  • Get Search Volume and Forecasts: This feature resembles that of “Discover New Keywords” quite a bit. One of the greatest differences is that you are entering the keyword(s) you wish to study exactly, whereas the discover tool provides you with other suggestions. The search volume, three-month change, year-over-year change, competition rating, and low and high CPC pricing will all be displayed once you’ve submitted your keyword list.

One of the best resources for researching PPC keywords is Google Keyword Planner. Even if you don’t buy Google Ads, it’s free, so you won’t have to worry about limits or expensive upgrades. Keyword Planner can also help you with your organic strategy by showing you areas where ranking organically could save you money on PPC.

Keep in mind that although Keyword Planner can offer insights into keyword targeting, campaign performance is contingent on a number of different factors.Your bid, budget, product, and industry-specific customer behavior, for instance, can all have an impact on your campaigns’ success.

Google Trends

Actual-time Google search data can be found in the online data free keyword research tool known as Google Trends. The most relevant articles, interest over time, interest by region, trending queries, and related topics can all be explored by users’ search interests. A map displaying the regions in the world where the term is most popular will appear after you search for it. Users can also compare various terms from 2004 to the last 36 hours to see how they relate to one another. 

Discover How to Make the Most of Google Trends.

  • This keyword tool lets you search for up to five words or topics at once. 
  • Google refers to the graph that displays the results as a “Search Volume Index” graph.The graph’s data can be exported to a.csv file, which Excel and other spreadsheet programs can open.
  • A list of the top forty search terms in the United States for the day is displayed in a feature called “Hot Searches”
  • Google Trends for Websites is a different feature that looks at website traffic rather than traffic for specific search terms.The data include unique visitors as well as a regions column that displays the proportion of visitors from a particular region.
  • The “Also visited” and “also searched for” columns indicate other websites and search terms that visitors to a site are likely to visit and look for.

Google declared Google Insights for Search, a help that offers further enhanced features for showing search pattern data in 2008. Web marketers can utilize Google Insights to calibrate their keyword ideas since it permits them to inspect search cycles and patterns of  specific keyword  and a keyword prominence by area and time range.

Google trends graph page
google trends region page


Soovle Keyword Tool is a free keyword research tool that permits you to get keyword tips that are beneficial  to optimize your webpages for search engines.  Usually most of the keyword suggestions made by the various research tools are based on a  single search engine analysis .  But Soovle works with almost more than 15 search engines at a time to generate keywords ideas.

Although Google is the major search engine that most of us rely on, optimizing your webpages for other search engines can be an added advantage of boosting site visitors and visibility online.  There are possibilities that in some countries people use search engines other than Google like for instance, Bing is used a default search engine by many Windows. So, if you prefer to discover site visitors from sources different than Google, Soovle can be a beneficial keyword lookup tool.

Please find below images of Soovle home page and result page showing suggestions from different search

soovle home page
soovle result page

How it works: Soovle shows us the highest searched keyword phrase associated to your seed key-word throughout every search platform. Use the search bar in the middle of the Soovle page and enter the specific keyword for which your are researching for. You can see the results just over their respective search engine logos.  

You can export the suggestions thus obtained into a document.

Keywords Everywhere

Keywords Everywhere is a browser extension for Chrome and Firefox. It’s a convenient and free keyword research tool that can be used right there in the browser while browsing. It is not only for Google but also works for Google Search Console, Google Analytics, Google Trends, Google Keyword Planner, YouTube and many other websites. With the free version, you can view YouTube statistics and YouTube tags.  

Benefits of Keywords Everywhere

  • It accurately shows the search volume of the keyword, cost per click level of competition. 
  • You need to just  open  Google, type in your keywords ideas and immediately get a list of keyword information. 
  • Keywords Everywhere help analyze any URL to get a list of keywords and the keyword density of the page content. 
  • You can easily  import your keywords to see the exact monthly search volume, CPC and competition for them.   
  • You can find all the keywords of any web page and see their search volume with one click. 
  • It gives you precise measurements exactly whenever or wherever you need them. 
  • Easy to use and easy to install plugin and search for keywords in Google or Bing and it will show you keywords 
  •  Also show People Also Search For information with volume and CPCs
keyword everywhere
keyword everywhere


Most of the free keyword research tools has paid versions also with more features. But for a beginner or for a small to medium business all the list of keyword tool listed in this article , I feel is more than enough. Even while it lacks some of the more sophisticated elements, like keyword difficulty, that other keyword research tools might offer, it still offers a wealth of useful information to aid in your SEO effort.

Hope this article has something useful for you. 

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